Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2

I'm still coughing my head off and am thoroughly medicated.  Haven't written a word yet and I can see that I am never going to finish this novel by the end of November.  I am however, totally inspired by my own idea and will be pursuing it as soon as I can breathe without wheezing again.  I haven't been this excited by a project since the last time I was excited by a project.  Hmmmm....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day One and Counting

I am absolutely having my doubts about this undertaking.  I've been coughing for ten days now and today I finally decided to see the doctor. His Dx? I have a cough.  The issue is that I cough so hard that my head hurts, my neck muscles ache, and sometimes I cough so long I nearly pass out.  It's kind of hard to create in this state.  Hopefully the magic inhalers Dr. P. prescribed will make me feel somewhat better tomorrow and I can begin.  I feel like a big sick loser.