Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2

I'm still coughing my head off and am thoroughly medicated.  Haven't written a word yet and I can see that I am never going to finish this novel by the end of November.  I am however, totally inspired by my own idea and will be pursuing it as soon as I can breathe without wheezing again.  I haven't been this excited by a project since the last time I was excited by a project.  Hmmmm....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day One and Counting

I am absolutely having my doubts about this undertaking.  I've been coughing for ten days now and today I finally decided to see the doctor. His Dx? I have a cough.  The issue is that I cough so hard that my head hurts, my neck muscles ache, and sometimes I cough so long I nearly pass out.  It's kind of hard to create in this state.  Hopefully the magic inhalers Dr. P. prescribed will make me feel somewhat better tomorrow and I can begin.  I feel like a big sick loser.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day One - T minus 2days and Counting

Progress Report:  November is novel month.  I have this idea and wrote the first 1429 words.  I need to write 1667 words everyday to write a 50,000 word novel in one 30 day month.  I am taking a vacation and have work to do during this time so I probably have to write at least 2500 words every day that I write or about 6 pages.  I don't know if I am up to actually "crossing the finish line."  But I will give it a try.

The link is https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1AcIyqfBRMOxP7d4vsH1AIXDDRPTelNc28cgZJMBpqQk

I'm glad I tried starting a bit early because immediately I realize that I have made a rookie error.  I don't want to write this in the first person.  I need an omniscient narrator because I want to be able to say what everyone is thinking.  Or at least demonstrate it.  The hardest part for me in this will be to show how frightened the little girl is by what's going on around her and yet not have her as the narrator.  I've never tried this before.